On the movie side, Oscar winner The Imitation Game will be available for digital download on March 20. Oscar nominees Foxcatcher, Wild, The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies, Unbroken and Song of the Sea are also hitting iTunes this month as are big December movies Exodus, Top Five, Annie and A Most Violent Year.
The Internet trend. As my friend Warren Buckleitner, Editor ofChildren's Software Review (CSR) is fond of saying, "No one willuninvent the Internet; it ain't going away. If you're a teacherwith no email, no web site, and no web access, you'll soon be in infodarkness." This is what is coming: 1999, according to the research firmeMarketer, 14 million children aged two to 12 in the U.S. had Internetaccess. Jupiter Communications predicts that by the end of 2000 this same agegroup outnumbered teens and college students online and the currentpercentage of children now online will almost double in the next five years(PC Almanac, 2000)! New software demos are now available as free downloadsand soon much children's software may be available by fee baseddownloads. Eventually software may shift from being a physical product to acontinuous service delivered over the Internet (Lohr, 2000). Websitedevelopment quality is improving. (See for example, Germany's softwarepublisher Tivola.) Sites for teachers, par ents and children are exploding.Even for a program on a relatively tight budget, the ability to obtain acomputer and Internet access through a modem for $25.00 a month (People PC)may now make sense.
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Are computers appropriate for young children? Haugland (1999,2000) provided reviews of when to introduce computers and some benefits ofcomputer use. The Alliance for Children reported on potential harm tochildren from computer use, and proposed a moratorium on computers in earlychildhood education programs and elementary schools (Cordes & Miller,2000). This was followed by a position statement, "...signed by morethan 75 educators child-development and health authorities, technologyexperts, researchers, and other advocates for children" (Alliance forChildren, 2000). It generated a response by Ginsberg (2000), ExecutiveDirector of NAEYC. The American Academy of Pediatrics and Learning in theReal World agreed to fund research in 2001 that investigates, "...thepossible connection between early and frequent computer use andchildren's gross and visual motor development" (American Academy ofPediatrics, 2000). Issues regarding the use of computers by young childrendeserve further research. While to som e degree these questions have beenraised since before the birth of the early Texas Instruments computer (withan audio cassette tape drive, no less), vigorous and hopefully enlighteneddiscussions should continue.
These products make child care and preK programs for childreneasier to manage by organizing children and families, staff, revenues, andexpenditures, food services, health data, and other time consuming andredundant tasks. Over the past two years many products have receivedsignificant upgrades. In 2000, for the first time a browser based packagebecame available. For a fuller review of issues related to childcareadministrative packages, see Kalinowski (2000). 2ff7e9595c